
Artur Poleniewicz, DMD

Maxillofacial Surgeon

Owner of ActivDent Dental Clinic

I am a graduate of the Medical University of Gdansk, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. I graduated from medical school in 2005. Since 2009, I have specialised in maxillofacial surgery in the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at the University Clinical Center in Gdansk, learning from such outstanding authorities in this field as Professor Adam Włodarkiewicz, PhD DDS and Barbara Drogoszewska, PhD, DDS.

In 2018, I passed the state examination and I earned the title of Maxillofacial Surgeon. Apart from working in a hospital as a doctor, I was also an academic teacher in the Chair and Clinic of Maxillofacial and Dental Surgery at the Medical University of Gdansk. At the same time, I ran my own business as a dentist and surgeon. I work with numerous prestigious dental surgeries as well as larger dental clinics, where I consult patients and perform surgical procedures and implantoprosthetic treatment.

Many years of experience, personal observations, conclusions, reflections as well as the lessons I’ve learned allowed me to establish my own ActivDent practice. Here I want to create a smaller clinic, one without random people, where Patients and their treatment are the centre of my attention.

To provide Patients with the highest level of services meeting the cutting-edge standards, I am constantly raising my professional qualifications. I participate in numerous postgraduate and specialist trainings, both in Poland and abroad, organised by leading implantology centres in Poland, Paris, Barcelona, Munich and Rome.
My biggest passion is implantology, dental surgery, maxillofacial and orthognathic surgery. My extensive experience allows me to perform the most complex and complicated surgical and implantological procedures in the oral cavity.

I approach my work very professionally and I do not accept half measures. The most important thing for me is safety and satisfaction of my Patients. I work with advanced, state-of-the-art equipment and use top quality materials and implant systems.

My professional philosophy is: “I treat as I would like to be treated”. I know how important it is to trust your doctor; therefore, I always listen carefully to my Patient’s expectations. Then, I thoroughly explain any doubts concerning the treatment. Treatments are precisely planned based on 3D tomography, which our clinic is equipped with.

I perform surgical procedures in a completely painless manner, in a friendly and relaxing atmosphere. My Patients leave my surgery with a beautiful and healthy smile, which in turn gives me full professional satisfaction.

As Walt Disney once said:

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing

I invite you to my clinic for your first consultation

– Artur Poleniewicz

Our team

Lek. stom. Artur Poleniewicz

Maxillofacial Surgeon

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Owner of ActivDent Dental Clinic
– Implantology
– Surgery
– Implantoprosthetics
– Dental prosthetics
– Microscopic endodontics

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Artur Poleniewicz - Artur Poleniewicz -

Lek. stom. Leszek Kobusiński

Conservative dentistry
Microscope-controlled endodontics

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From an early age, his passion for medicine and the joy of helping others were the reasons why Dr Leszek decided to study medicine and dentistry at the Medical University of Gdansk. He constantly expands his knowledge and skills at various courses, workshops and conferences, especially in the field of prosthetics and endodontics.
In his daily work, he strives for perfection and the biggest joy for him is when his Patients give him a sincere smile.
In everyday life, similarly as in the clinic, he does not shy away from challenges, striving to be there for others and to bring a smile.
In his free time he is always planning new trips; he loves climbing and cycling.

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Leszek Kobusiński - Leszek Kobusiński -

Lek. stom. Łukasz Garbacewicz

Specjalista chirurgii szczękowo-twarzowej

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Specjalista z zakresu chirurgii szczękowo-twarzowej z wieloletnim doświadczeniem klinicznym, potwierdzonym Państwowym Egzaminem Specjalizacyjnym. Absolwent Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku na wydziale lekarsko-dentystycznym. Od 2009 roku pracownik Kliniki Otolaryngologii z oddziałem Chirurgii Szczękowo-Twarzowej Uniwersyteckiego Centrum Klinicznego w Gdańsku. Od 2015 roku pracownik naukowo-dydaktyczny Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego. Aktualnie sekretarz Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Czaszkowo-Szczękowo-Twarzowej, Chirurgii Stomatologicznej i Implantologii. Współautor kilku publikacji naukowych. Pełnił rolę eksperta przy Ministrze Zdrowia przy opracowywaniu map potrzeb zdrowotnych dla stomatologii w Polsce.

Wykonuje między innymi dłutowania zatrzymanych zębów, zabiegi implantologiczne i odbudowy kości, ekstrakcje zębów i inne zabiegi w zakresie chirurgii jamy ustnej. Dodatkowo usuwanie oraz plastyka zmian i znamion na skórze twarzy i szyi. W codziennej pracy zajmuje się także urazami i onkologią w obrębie części twarzowej czaszki, zębopochodnymi stanami zapalnymi oraz chirurgią skóry twarzy i szyi (dermatochirurgią). Wieloletnie doświadczenie w pracy w szpitalu i poradni przyszpitalnej pozwala na diagnozowanie i leczenie szerokiego spectrum chorób z zakresu chirurgii szczękowo-twarzowej. wczesne wykrywanie zmian nowotworowych.

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Łukasz Garbacewicz - Łukasz Garbacewicz -

Agnieszka Pszenna

Manager at ActivDent Dental Clinic

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A graduate of the Medical University of Gdansk (Faculty of Electroradiology) and Gdynia Maritime University (Dietetics).
Agnieszka actively participated in the process of creating ActivDent Clinic. She deals with organising the work of our team, documentation, marketing, establishing and enforcing procedures. Agnieszka is also responsible for Patient service as well as performing x-rays and CT scans.
Many years of experience, which she gathered while working in the biggest clinics and dental surgeries in Tri-City, allow her to focus on the needs of Patients and colleagues as well as on the continuous development of the Clinic.
She attended numerous courses and trainings in the field of dentistry, patient service, and marketing. Her presence is a guarantee of safety and comfort for our Patience. In her private life, she values time with her family, travelling and good books.

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Aldona Zalewska

Dental Hygienist

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A certified hygienist and experienced dental assistant. Many years of work in this profession allows her to ensure top quality assistance in treatments from conservative dentistry to advanced surgical and implantological procedures. With commitment and precision, Aldona takes care of our Patient’s hygiene habits as well as performs preventive and whitening treatments. Always smiling and positive about her work and other people.

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Karolina Kwiecińska

Medical Receptionist

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Experienced and always professional, she provides comprehensive service to ActivDent’s Patients. Responsible for efficient appointment scheduling and coordination of our team’s work calendars. Karolina welcomes patients with a smile and makes sure that everyone in our clinic feels special. She carefully listens to your needs in order to improve the work of our Clinic on many levels. A fan of winter sports and cycling trips. She likes to discover new flavours in the Polish culinary map, and her passion is home staging and interior design.

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Karolina Szatanek

Higienistka stomatologiczna

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Dyplomowana higienistka stomatologiczna z doświadczeniem w zakresie higieny oraz pracy z lekarzem. Do swojej pracy podchodzi z dużym zaangażowaniem, profesjonalizmem i uśmiechem.  Zadowolenie i uśmiech Pacjentów to dla niej największa nagroda, a także motywacja do dalszej pracy.

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Thousands of satisfied Patients
Pain-free treatment
Safety procedures in place
Modern equipment
Comprehensive treatment
Convenient access by public transport
Free WiFi
Experienced implantologist
Zeiss operating microscope
Comfortable seats of the prestigious ADEC brand

Our equipment

Patients about us